Attleborough Health, Care & Wellbeing Trust
Attcare is a registered charity set up in 2017 to facilitate and help deliver Health and Social Care and Community Wellbeing in Attleborough and surrounding villages.
Attleborough Health Care & Wellbeing Trust grew out of the Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan which was made in 2017.
Our registered charity number is 1173821.
The Attleborough Neighbourhood Plan (ANP) was put together over some four years by the community of Attleborough in South Norfolk and received an overwhelming vote of support (93%) when put to the residents, as required by the legislation.
Neighbourhood Planning was introduced in the Localism Act 2011.
It is an important and powerful tool that gives communities statutory powers to allow local residents to help shape how their communities develop. It is a way of influencing where you live and work.
In very simple terms a neighbourhood plan is:
- A document that sets out planning policies for the neighbourhood area
- Is written by the local community.
- Ensures that the community gets the right types of development and in the right places.
Theme 5
Theme 5 of the published plan for Attleborough deals with Health and Social Care. The gist of the theme is given below. However, it was clear from the outset that more specific work was required to identify the particular needs, facilitate the bringing together of all the parties required to deliver the plan and lead the co-ordination of the integrated policies and amenities that would create a sustainable strategic plan for at least the period to 2035 and the enlargement of the town and local villages.
ATTCARE, as an independent charity, can do this without political or commercial bias.
Gist of Theme 5 Health & Social Care of the Neighbourhood Plan
The overall vision is for Attleborough to be a healthy town, bringing together health and wellbeing. A thriving GP practice operating from an enlarged site will deliver the care required for the growing town and hinterland villages, working closely with other organisations.
Many of the themes in the ANP are very closely interlinked. Housing provision, informal open space access and health and social care particularly closely interwoven. Policies under this heading have a direct housing impact as well as being linked to transport, leisure, and the environment. ATTCARE’s involvement in facilitating the introduction of the private commercial company to provide older people’s housing and dual registered care facility and supported living will help to enable older people to live independently and prevent increased admissions to hospitals (bed blocking) and residential care homes.
Theme 5 also concentrates on all aspects of health and wellbeing which ATTCARE is addressing as it works through its “to do” list.
Please help us to deliver ATTCARE’s aims by volunteering, commenting, and donating